Saturday, March 27, 2010

Happy Together

It was a great feeling to be painting together with my Mom. She set up the apple and grapes on the saucer and wanted to paint them. I decided to join her and we sat there painting, looking at the same thing each from a different angle.
Like these grapes and apple, happy together in one saucer... me and Ma, happy together, painting, while my lovely niece Sam was on the computer, connecting with my sisters in Norway.
I forgot what I said about ending the apples series... but i guess this is not just apple, it's apple and grapes.
"Lord, we pray for healing for my foot. We pray for our Director, give him wisdom and protect him with your abiding love."

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Apples on the table

This is the third and this is it (for now) on the apples series.

I am back to work though my foot still hurts. Not complaining... i know it could be worse.

I wonder what I will try to paint next time...

"Dear Lord, you know my heart. Please hear my unspoken prayer."

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Yes, these are Green ... as opposed to Red ... apples, that is. Still another bad photo maybe... but... sometimes, you just don't quite get the shot right.

I think this is my most favorite of my apple paintings (n=2 for this year) so far. Anyway, I like it. If you like apples, check out Carol Marine's blog, she does really great apples...

As they say, try and try until you succeed. I am beginning to understand that I should just do my own style... and understand that evryone's style is different, unique and that uniqueness should be cherished.

"Thank you Lord for hearing my prayer today. You are always there whenever I call on you. Your love is awesome and your response time is five minutes or better."

Monday, March 22, 2010


I haven't painted an apple in a long time. But one of the daily painters that I follow (Carol Marine) paints really great apples... Seeing all those pretty apples that she painted inspired me to try to do this painting. I thought I would like to try a red apple... with a bit of reflection. First time for me to do a reflection type thingy.

The photo is a little bit short... I will try to get a better shot and post it next time.
I am back to work though the foot still hurts just a little. I am not sure if i could get approved for a rehab/therapy leave so I just decided i would go back to work and not consume all my leave credits.

I will post another apple(s) painting tomorrow.

Thanks for visiting. God bless you!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Bougainvillea 3

And so, I did a third one...
I swear this one is so different from the two others...
I am blessed with a loving husband... he said this was pretty....
It is great to be married! We just celebrated our fourth anniversary! Wow! May the Lord bless us with many more happy years.

Don't worry, this is the last of the Bougainvillea series. Thanks for your patience.

Next, an apple...

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Bougainvilleas 2

This is the second attempt at painting the bougainvilleas. Not the best, but i thought i'd still post it, as a ... hmmm... learning experience? As a bad example? Hmmm, not too too bad, i hope. Who said it? Someone said "it is better to have tried .... than never to have tried at all?"
I looked and found some really nice watercolor painted bougainvilleas online... maybe someday i can do something like those... Hope springs eternal... and dreams are still a free commodity...
I still like painting...

Sunday, March 14, 2010

bougainvillea 1

I have been really busy since I came back to the Philippines, back to work, back to the grind. I took my painting stuff with me but they got put in a box and I was just too busy. The opportunity to paint again came when I recently injured my foot, and had to stay at home, with my foot immobilized and elevated. After the second week, I asked my mom to search for my box. I didn't have any idea on where to start, so I decided to seek the wisdom of the young. I asked Mara ( she's the youngest daughter of Malou, one of my best friends in the world). She gave the quick answer... "why not paint bougainvillea, after all, they are so pretty!" It did seem like an obvious answer. Little did i know that it would prove to be quite a challenging subject. And so I dared.... and this is the first product.