Thursday, January 31, 2013

A vase and three apples


Ever since I saw Spiderman the movie, the one in which James Franco was in a scene where he was painting a vase and some fruits, i had always wanted to paint something similar. It was a really beautiful painting.

So last night, i thought of it again and i tried.  My loving spouse helped me in figuring out the light and shadow in this painting. Ever supportive, he told me this was actually better than the previous ones. I loved my sisters and my mom's reactions to it as well. Our dear Ms. Susan and my friend Dee also liked it. Maybe it will  look good in the kitchen.

Dear Lord, thank you for your blessings, and your infinite mercy! Blessed be your Holy Name! Thank you for healing, and for love, for all the love in my life. 

Copyright Karen Galarneau All Rights Reserved

Sunday, January 27, 2013


Here's a portrait of Angel, our sweet sweet pet. She is my shadow, my tail, as I go around the house doing my chores. Also my dissertation writing buddy, when my Honey is at work.

As i get older, I realize each day is a gift from God, and I am more grateful of my blessings especially life, love , good health, family and friends. Also pets.

Dear God, thank you for each day. Thank you for the gift of life. Thank you for family, friends, pets, and please bless us all indeed! Amen 

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Larry and Angel

I painted this portrait of our dogs. Watercolor. 

Dear Lord please bless our family. Thank you!


Flowers were really a big inspiration for Georgia O'Keeffe. I was recently inspired by a couple of er works. She was a great artist and her works were really pretty.

This first one, i just call it "Pretty Flower No. 1". It is a watercolor.

The second one, I called it "Flowers", and it is acrylic. I painted it during a session at the Uptown Art Tuscaloosa. Really fun place. Thanks to my loving honey who gifted me with sessions. 

Dear God, please hear the prayers from my heart. You are awesome!